More adult children buying housing for their parents

With the grandparents handily placed, their babysitting woes are over

A survey of estate agency managers who work for the nationwide chain Nybolig reveals that it is not only parents who buy an apartment for their children, but increasingly kids who buy property and then either give it to or rent it to their folks, reports DR.

According to the managers, the adult children often make the decision as an investment, to help their parents by offering them more affordable rent, and to ensure that their children’s grandparents live close by.

Trend same across the country
Lone Bøegh Henriksen, the manager of a Nybolig estate agency in Greater Copenhagen, said that for every ten acquisitions made by parents for their children, there is one made by adult children for their parents.

And the Nybolig agents have noticed the same tendency in other parts of the country: over half of the agency managers questioned said they had participated in similar sales.