Step aboard the voyage of the Vikings

Sail like a real Viking on Roskilde fjord. Over the summer, one to three trips a day will leave the museum island taking wannabe Vikings on a 50-minute journey designed to let them experience how it felt to be on board such a ship when the whole world quaked at the sight of them approaching their shores. 

There are only a few limited spots for kids aged 4-14, because the adults on board are required to graft as part of the experience, either by taking an active part in rowing, setting the sail or even manning the rudder. So how cool would that be to sit back and watch mum or dad play Viking!

The Viking ship museum in Roskilde offers an exciting kids summer program in which the children can write their own name in runic letters, mint a Viking coin, decorate wooden shields and Thor’s hammer, make rope out of lime bast and make chains out of Arab glass beads. 

Dress up your kids as a Viking, see the 1,000-year-old ships and go aboard copies of cargo ships and one equipped for battle. Listen to stories and look at armour – there’s so much to do at the museum that by the time supper comes around, Restaurant Snekken will be a welcoming sight. 

Roskilde is one of Denmark’s oldest cities. It only takes 20 minutes to get there from Copenhagen Central Station and train tickets are just shy of 50kr for adults.