More foreign criminals being deported

The number of criminal foreigners being deported has risen by over 80 percent in two years

The number of foreign criminals who are sentenced to deportation during their conviction has risen significantly by over 80 percent in just two years.

Figures from the immigration services, Udlændingestyrelsen, showed that the number of foreign criminals deported from Denmark rose from 1,020 in 2011 to 1,810 in 2013.

“Foreigners who commit crime in Denmark don’t need to be here and must leave the country,” Karen Hækkerup, the justice minister, said in a press release.

“We won’t accept that foreigners come here to commit crime. The increase of deportations shows that the deportation rules are strict and are working.”

READ MORE: Shorter processing time for foreign criminals serving time at home

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The justice minister underlined how the swift and effective deportation of the expelled criminals has been a government focus. Three special deportation departments have been established at prisons in Denmark.

The three departments, which are all at secure prisons and have a total capacity of 70 prisoners, are located at state prisons in Vridsløselille, Østjylland and Nyborg.

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