A monster catfish weighing in at over 33 kilos was caught in a lake in Jutland by a leisure fisherman on Saturday night.
Morten Rasmussen’s catch is not only a Danish record, but more than double as large as the previous record holder, which weighed a ‘paltry’ 14.5 kilos.
“I knew there were huge catfish in that lake, but I didn’t know they were that large,” Rasmussen told TV2. “It was awesome: an experience I’ll never forget.”
On exhibition
It reportedly took Rasmussen 45 minutes to reel in the catfish, which is currently being kept at Aqua Aquarium in Silkeborg, from where it will be moved to an exhibition lake so that the public can enjoy the massive specimen.
The catfish is not an indigenous species, but they are released into Danish lakes in order to regulate fish populations.
Rasmussen’s Danish record doesn’t come close to beating the giant Mekong catfish that was caught in 2005 in Thailand. It reportedly weighed a whopping 293 kilos.