The sun was shining from a clear blue sky on Thursday – the perfect day for bringing the family together
And that was exactly what Queen Margrethe, her family members and a herd of press photographers thought. Every summer the royals meet with the Danish press for the annual royal family portrait at their summer residence, Gråsten Palace in southern Jutland.
Came out to the fence
It went like this. The Queen and her family arrived in golf carts at an idyllic grassy garden and were greeted by 60 photographers standing on the other side of the fence, all trying to catch their attention.
Especially Crown Prince Frederik, his Australian wife, Crown Princess Mary, and their four children Christian, Isabella and the twins Vincent and Josephine are popular in foreign magazines and photos of them can be quite valuable.
They only came out to the fence and posed for a couple of minutes before they returned to their peaceful castle.