Not even Michael Bay could come up with a plot as crazy and incoherent as Morten Storm's life.
The story of the former biker, who turned radical islamist and became a double agent, who claims to have assisted the CIA and Danish PET in tracking down and killing an al-Qaeda leader in Yemen would make quite a thriller, which is why Hollywood has now decided to bring his story to life, according to Hollywood Reporter.
Sony acquired the rights to adapt his upcoming autobiography 'Agent Storm: My Life Inside al-Qaeda and the CIA’ into a movie.
READ MORE: Strong case against Denmark in killing of al-Qaeda leader
Paul Greengrass to direct
Scott Rudin, the producer of 'No Country for Old Men', 'Captain Philips' and 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' is said to be the producer of the biopic. The director is rumoured to be Paul Greengrass, who directed 'Captain Philips' and two movies in the spy thriller Bourne series.
Storm, along with CNN journalists Paul Cruickshank and Tim Lister, wrote the book that will be on the shelves from September 2.
So now that the producer and director are in place, the question remains: who will play the main character of Morten Storm?