Picnic in the park with Puccini

Pray for good weather and enjoy good company, wine, a picnic and opera in historical surroundings.

An open-air concert, with impressive highlights from last season: Puccini, Verdi, Mozart and Lehàr. 

Open Air Opera 
Rosenborg Castle, Øster Voldgade 4A, Cph K; Aug 23; free adm

(Photo: aarhusfestuge.dk)

Topless women and feathered costumes at a Paris-inspired nightclub and varieté at Aarhus Fest Week, which also features a theatre version of Kay Pollack’s Oscar-nominated As in Heaven. 

Moulin De Paris
Hermans, Tivoli Friheden, Skovbrynet 1, Aarhus; Aug 30-Sep 6; 295 -695kr; aarhusfestuge.dk/en

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