Food authority Fødevarestyrelsen will publish a list of companies that were too slow at yanking listeria-contaminated food from Jørn A Rullepølser from their shelves. Ten of the 40 companies that have been fined between 20,000 and 60,000 kroner for the offence have already been named. Livets Køkken Salt & Peber Catering in Søborg was hit with the highest fine of 60,000 kroner.
The other companies named were:
- Ældrecenter Broparken Centralkøkken, Rødovre.
- DeViKa, Sønderbo, Rønne
- Engrosselskabet 2014 ApS, København V
- Cateringfirmaet B/LUNCH
- SH Kitchen ApS, Herlev
- Choice Convenience, København Ø
- BPI Best Poultry International AS, København Ø
- Vangede Slagteren ApS, Dyssegård
- Daginstitutionen Valhal, Hillerød
The names of the other thirty businesses that have been found guilty will be released in the coming weeks.
READ MORE: Four more infected with listeria
So far, 29 Danes have been infected with listeria and 13 people are believed to have died as a result of the outbreak. The sandwich meat rullepølser from the company Jørn A Rullepølser in Hedehusene was found to be the main source of the outbreak.