According to Danish researchers, people with diabetes can walk themselves into better health or get cured completely, reports Jyllands-Posten.
In Denmark, more than 300,000 people suffer from diabetes and 80 percent of them have the type 2.
More than twice as many people have the preliminary stages of the disease.
READ MORE: Diabetes sufferers to double by 2025
Walking regulates the blood sugar
A new PhD thesis shows that one hour of slow and swift interval walking can significantly improve regulation of blood sugar.
"Interval training helps the body to process carbohydrates. Muscles absorb sugar easier because they react better to insulin," explained Kristian Karstoft from the National Research Center for Inflammation and Metabolism at Rigshospitalet to the newspaper.
"The whole motor simply works better."
New app to help you get going
To make it easier for the diabetics, researchers have developed a free mobile phone app, Inter Walk.
Already in just ten months, Inter Walk has been downloaded by 15,000 people.
Reaserchers hope that even more diabetics will use the app in the future.
READ MORE: Diabetes bomb' could blow up government's health budget
Booming and costly disease
The number of people affected by the disease in Denmark has doubled in the past ten years.
Every day the state spends 86 million kroner on the treatment.