The smartphone has become the Danes’ preferred medium of choice when it comes to purchasing a new car, according to statistics from the online market place for cars, Bilbasen.
The figures showed that the number of searches undertaken using smartphones and tablets has shot up from just 4 percent in 2011 to 54 percent in August this year.
“About two years ago, we became aware of how fast the development was,” Morten Heunig, the CEO of Ebay Denmark – the owners of Bilbasen and the classified newspaper Den Blå Avis – told Børsen business newspaper.
“We made the decision to invest heavily in the area. Over a three-year period we wanted to invest 40 million kroner, but that ended up being 50 million kroner due to the explosive traffic we are seeing from mobile phones and tablets.”
600,000 using Bilbasen app
Heunig went on to reveal that the development of new mobile devices has led to a 20 percent increase in searches in the last year alone.
Some 600,000 Danes have downloaded Bilbasen’s mobile app, and Ebay Denmark expects that the share of visitors using mobile devices will continue to soar and reach about 63 percent by the end of 2015.