Marathon success in Skagen

The sun shone as crowds cheered runners on

On Saturday 4 October, the fifth Skagen Marathon attracted a grand total of 1,740 runners to the harbour starting line at the northernmost tip of Denmark – a record number, reported

Described as Denmark’s prettiest marathon by the organisers Turisthus Nord, Arena Nord and Skagen OK & Motion, the event offered routes ranging from a 5.5 km children’s marathon to the challenging full distance for experienced competitors.

Cheered on by family and local supporters
Runners of all ages – 224 more than last year – were cheered on by crowds of spectators along the route that wound along the coastal road and through the streets of the picturesque town.

No doubt the perfect weather, with sunshine and temperatures of up to 20 degrees across Denmark, contributed to the success of the event, which over the years has evolved into a veritable street party.