Reports of late and missing ambulances multiplying

The story of a homeless man who died waiting for an ambulance has inspired more people to come forward with stories of shoddy emergency services

A homeless man died at Amagerbro Station on Monday. At least three people had called and reported that the man was in danger, but by the time an ambulance turned up nearly 30 minutes later, the man had died.

More reports of delayed or completely missing ambulances have surfaced in the wake of the man’s death.

Witnesses told Politiken that the officer in charge of the Capital Region control centre refused to send an ambulance to assist a 12-year-old boy found severely injured next to his scooter on Amager Strandvej.

Drive him yourself
Freelance journalist Charlotte Geckler said the incident happened a week and a half ago when she found the boy lying in the dirt suffering from severe abdominal pains

“I tried to call his mother, but could not get hold of her,” Geckler told Politiken. “I called for help and a man came. We both agreed that we needed to call an ambulance.”

Geckler described the boy’s condition as “very bad”.

“His forehead was completely disgusting and I think he fainted from pain at one point.”

Geckler said she was informed that she should transport the boy to the hospital in a private vehicle.

“Can it really be true that they have cut resources so much that they won’t send an ambulance for a 12-year-old boy in pain who cannot call his mother,” asked Geckler? “It felt bizarre to stand there and not be taken seriously.”

READ MORE: Emergency services admit mishandling call

A family going by in a car drove the boy to Amager Hospital. From there he was rushed to Rigshospitalet where he was diagnosed with having a rare circulatory disease.

He died two days later.

A 45-minute wait
Jens Galatius, a 62-year-old man, struck his head during a crash on his bike on 2 September.

“I woke up with some nice ladies around me who called an ambulance,” Galatius told Politiken. But no ambulance came. Another call was made, and a ambulance eventually showed up, a full 45 minutes after the initial call.

“I cannot even remember it, but it was very stressful for my wife and those who helped me, because I was bleeding very heavily from my head,” said Galatius.

Galatius was diagnosed with a fractured skull and will wear a neck brace for at least ten weeks.