Exceptionally heavy rain causes floods in north Jutland

The police advises motorists not to drive their cars unless necessary as many roads have been blocked by large flood-lakes

Several roads in north Jutland are flooded due to heavy rain that has hit the area in the past 24 hours. Cars are getting stuck in the water, Politiken reports.

"I have never experienced anything like this. It is certainly very rare that we see such large amounts of water fall in such a short time," the emergency officer in Hjørring, Knud Borge Mollerto, told TV2 News. 

Motorists should stay home 
According to Per Jørgensen, the head of security of the North Jutland Police, at least six cars have got stuck in the floods as of this morning.

Moller advises all Jutlanders not to drive their cars today unless absolutely necessary. 

Many viaducts and roads are submerged under the water and it can be difficult to pass them. 

Flood-lakes blocking the roads
The entire Vendsyssel, the northernmost part of Jutland, has been hit by a massive downpour in the past 36 hours, and in many places there is a risk of aquaplaning.

Some areas in Vendsyssel recorded half a month's worth of rainfall in just one day.

North Jutland Police has reported on Twitter that there are massive rain lakes in the region. 

Water-pump vehicles from Thisted and Herning have been sent to the area to help. 

Several cars already stuck 
The police reports that several cars are stuck in the water south of Brønderslev in Vendsyssel, as well as on the railway viaduct on Ringvejen in Hjørring.  

The E39 motorway has been closed down after a car got stuck in the floods travelling in the southern direction near Vraa. 

More rain to come
The Danish Meteorological Institute has previously issued a warning about heavy rains in Vendsyssel and Storaalborg.

According to DMI, the rains are expected to continue over next six to 12 hours.  

As of now, the most affected area is the small town of Lendum, where up to 15 houses are under water.

The emergency management agency is already in the process of pumping the water out.