Danes support harder family reunification stance

Over 60 percent agree with the government

While the government's decision earlier this month to toughen up the legislation on family reunification for refugees was criticised by the UN and several aid organisations, the majority of Danes support the move.

A new survey by Epinion for DR Nyheder showed that 62 percent of Danes approved the government's more stringent stance on family reunification cases involving refugees.

”I think most Danes agree with me that we need to help people in need and live up to our humanitarian responsibilities,” Mette Frederiksen, the brand new Justice Minister, told DR Nyheder.

”But we also need to make things work in Denmark pertaining to integration. It's that balance we in the government are continuously striving for.”

READ MORE: Government to limit family reunification for refugees

Few disagreed
The survey found that just 26 percent of Danes believed that it was not fair to tighten up the family reunification legislation.

In future, refugees and asylum-seekers with temporary residence will only be able to obtain family reunification if their residence permits are extended in Denmark after one year.

One of the principle reasons for the government to change the family reunification law was the record influx of asylum-seekers who have fled to Denmark recently from ongoing conflicts in Syria and Iraq.