Young Swedes returning to Danish labour market

Financial crisis hit Swedish jobs across Øresund hard

After being hit hard by the financial crisis in 2007, the younger generation of Swedes living across the Øresund Sound is beginning to return to the Danish labour market.

Last year was the first since 2007 that the number of younger Sweden commuting across the Øresund Bridge to Denmark increased, and that trend looks set to continue this year.

”There are signs that things are looking up for the young Swedes on the Danish labour market again,” Britt Andresen, the head analyst at the Øresund Institute, said in a press release.

”We should probably expect a more balanced growth in the number of commuters compared to when it was at its peak.”

READ MORE: Danes say no to new Swedish Øresund plan

Lingering concerns
Between 2007 and 2013, the number of young Swedes working in Denmark fell by 60 percent from 1,927 to 830. In particular, it was the young Swedes based in Malmø who worked in the Danish business sector who were hit hard.

The Øresund Institute is concerned that the young Swedes fared poorer than their Danish counterparts when it came to keeping a job foothold in Denmark.