The hunting season culminates in this traditional foxhunt where between 40 and 50,000 spectators will follow 90 horse riders in their striking red hunting uniforms as they navigate an obstacle course in Dyrehaven.
Two experienced riders with fox tails attached to their coats long since replaced the animals in the chase, which gives all involved a chance to showcase their skilled horsemanship before the crowds.
The winners of the two 800m sprints, one for ponies and the other for horses, are traditionally honoured by Prince Henrik at the Hermitage Hunting Lodge.
Forum Flea Market
An opportunity to browse and bargain your way through 525 stalls of antiques and second-hand goods as some of the best dealers in the trade gather under one roof.
Forum Flea Market: Nov 1-2, 10:00-17:00; Forum, Julius Thomsens Plads, Frederiksberg; 40kr, under-12s free adm
Comedy Night
Some of Scandinavia’s best comedians are performing in English, including Brian Mørk, Claus Reiss with his bagpipes, Zeid Andersson and many more.
Comedy night: Nov 6, 19:00; The Dubliner, Amagertorv 5, Cph K; 90-120kr,