As of Saturday, November 1, people will start seeing less paper mail in their postboxes from the government as it moves most of its communications and mail usually sent on paper to a digital system called Digital Post.
Overnight the remaining 1.1 million people who had yet to sign up for the system were given a digital inbox, Danmarks Radio (DR) reports.
“It’s gone well. We’ve just set up a digital post box for the 1.1 million Danes who still needed one and now they are set up with Digital Post,” Louise Kampmann, team leader with Digitaliseringsstyrelsen, the Danish Digitalization Agency, tells DR.
What do you need to do?
Whether you signed up for the inbox or were created one in this last push to meet the November 1 deadline, people are still responsible for the correspondence they receive in their new digital inbox, Berlingske reports.
The types of correspondence one can expect in the digital inbox are information concerning pension, day care, debt collection, housing allowances, hospital appointments and more, DR reports.
However, not all mail will be sent digitally so checking your normal postbox and writing to the Digitaliseringsstyrelsen on their website for more information is a must.
The move to digitizing government mail serves two main purposes: the savings of two billion kroners per year and a safer method to send sensitive information.