The ed-crested pochard, caspian tern, great egret, peregrine falcon, bee-eater, white-wing crossbill, golden eagle and Egyptian goose can be spotted breeding in the Danish countryside.
According to the Danish ornithological society (DOF), these species were recorded during the first phase of the Atlas III project.
Its aim is to provide completely updated documentation of the current circulation of all bird species breeding in the country.
Equipped with notebooks and binoculars, 1,040 ornithologists have been scrutinising Danish woods, lakes and cities mapping local bird-life since early spring.
Better climate conditions
The new species are quite different, so it is not clear why they have all decided to move to Denmark.
However, a DOF biologist, Iben Hove Sørensen, believes that some of them moved north because of the climate changes that have created more suitable conditions for the birds.
"We believe that, for instance, the caspian tern moved to Denmark because it did not have a very successful breeding season in Scania. So, it decided to give it a go here instead," Sørensen explained to Jyllands-Posten.
Raptors are more protected
The peregrine falcon, on the other hand, used to live in the country in the past. The last breeding pair was spotted in the early 1970s.
"In recent decades, birds of prey have been much more protected here than before," Sørensen noted.
Although eight new bird species have been recorded, it is still unclear how many species Denmark might have actually lost.