Hundreds demonstrate for Charlie Hebdo and freedom of expression

Hundreds of people braved the winds and rain and turned up in the city to peacefully demonstrate in support of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo this afternoon.

The crowd gathered at 12:00 at Kongens Nytorv in front of the French Embassy and the Metro construction. The words ‘Vi er Charlie’ (‘We are Charlie’) was posted on the wall of the Metro construction area.

A minute of silence was held and several dignitaries were present, including the French ambassador to Denmark, Francois Zimeray, who was among those delivering rousing speeches.

Jørgen Rossen, the founder of the International Student City of Copenhagen (Photo: Christian Wenande)

READ MORE: 12 dead as French magazine attacked over Mohammed drawings

Solidarity and support
The demonstration, organised by Delphine Piault, Kristoffe Biglete and Guillaume Wab Le Ray in response to the terror attack on Charlie Hebdo's offices in Paris on Wednesday which left 12 dead and dozens wounded, aimed to show support for freedom of expression and freedom of press against violence and threats.

And as the rain fell upon the exposed crowd, that's exactly what happened with scores of ‘Je suis Charlie’ banners and pens and pencils raised in the air in an act of solidarity and defiance.