The government and a number of opposition parties, excluding Enhedslisten, have agreed to set aside 60.9 million kroner over the next three years to efforts against radicalisation and extremism.
Of the funds, the vast majority (43.9 million kroner) will be used for preventative measures, in a deal that the Mette Frederiksen, the justice minister, described as being ”huge”.
”I am particularly pleased that funds have been prioritised for PET and the prison service's exit efforts to get people out of radicalised environments,” Frederiksen said in a press release.
”We must stop the food chain of the extremist environments and push hard so that young people don't become radicalised and end up taking part in the conflicts in Syria and Iraq.”
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Imams excluded
Frederiksen revealed that funds had been set aside for the intelligence agency PET for better online surveillance, in order to get to grips with some of the severe comments on social media.
The preventative plan (here in Danish), however, would not include the Islamic leaders and imams in Denmark.
Fact box
The central points of the 60.9-million-kroner plan are:
14.1 million kroner – An exit centre for young people who want to get out of radicalised environments will be established and PET and prison service exit programmes will be improved
9.6 million kroner – Municipal employees will be taught how to pick up signs of radicalisation among young people. Strategic municipal co-operation will be established
5.1 million kroner – Prevention and early action opportunities against radicalisation will be improved. A nationwide specialised mentor corps will be established
5.1 million kroner – Prevention of online radicalisation via the monitoring of extremist behaviour and propaganda online