COOP closing stores across the country

Supermarket chain closing doors to cut losses

Coop is closing 20 Fakta, Irma and Brugsen stores across the country. The closures will result in job losses, especially among younger workers. The chain said it will offer permanent employees a job at one of its other shops, but that it will not be able to offer 100 under-18 employees a new job.

“We will offer as many employees as we can jobs at one of our other stores,” Coop spokesperson Jens Juul Nielsen told Metroxpress. 

The company said the stores in question had been operating at a loss, and that it did not think their fortunes would ever turn around.

Jobs disappearing
Anne-Marie Helt, a spokesperson for HK Handel, a union that represents supermarket employees, said the sector had been hard hit of late.

“There are many shops closing,” Helt said. “Kiwi stores recently closed in Jutland, and there are becoming fewer and fewer jobs to go round.”

The 20 Coop shops closing are:

Dagligbrusen, Ørslev

Lokalbrugsen, Snertinge

Lokalbrugsen, Ejsing

Lokalbrugsen, Hvidovre

Superbrugsen, Taastrup

Irma, Skovlunde Centre

Irma, Amager Landevej

Fakta, Jelling 

Fakta, Bjæverskov

Fakta, Assens

Fakta, Kolding

Fakta, Mårslet 

Fakta, Svebølle

Fakta, Padborg

Fakta, Augustenborg

Fakta, Fensmark

Fakta, Hals

Fakta, Brædstrup

Fakta, Egtved

Fakta, Lyngby