New figures reveal the problematic nature of funding and support provided to men and women across Denmark at a time of crisis. According to DR, women in crisis due to divorce, violence, lack of housing or economic issues receive nearly 4.7 times as much support as men in a similar position.
Women are the priority
Between 2011 and 2013, approximately 100 million kroner was allocated to projects to support vulnerable women, compared to a meagre 21 million kroner allocated to men.
Anette Borchorst, professor and gender researcher at Aalborg University, said that these figures are “deeply problematic”, and reveal a gender disparity that must be addressed. “This shows the extent to which Denmark continues to distort aid and prioritise women. It is extremely disturbing,” she said.
Men in a vulnerable position
Despite these figures, results show that in periods of social crises, men are often hit much harder than women. Sociology Professor John Andersen from RUC, says that in Denmark, “Men are three times more likely to commit suicide than women. The social system has simply not kept up with the problems among men in society today.”
Men’s shelters struggle to obtain finance
In response to this inequality, men’s shelters across Denmark have called for a reassessment in the way money is distributed amongst genders. Many believe that the struggle to obtain funding and support from the public is unreasonable and unjust.
In the period between 2011 and 2013, the men’s shelter, Foreningen Far, received a total of 50,000 kroner in government funds. In the same period, Mødrehjælpen, a Danish women and children's shelter, received 6.9 million kroner.
“Right now, we receive no support from the public. We have been denied government funds time and time again. It is extremely difficult for us to get through to politicians, even though we sit in a number of committees of the social and gender equality ministry," said president of Foreningen Far, Jesper Lohse.
The unequal distribution of government funds looks set to continue into 2015.