The food and agriculture minister, Dan Jørgensen, wants more Danish honey to be organically produced, which will mean more organic areas must be found where honey bee populations can settle.
Today, very little organic honey is produced in Denmark, which currently has only 8,000 hectares of land that can be used for organic honey production. It is too early to identify how much more land will be earmarked for the production.
”We have some of the world's best honey and it's too bad that we can't make more of it organically,” Jørgensen said.
”Hardly any honey is organically produced at the moment because of some rather cumbersome rules, so I will take a look at how we can smooth out the rules so more land can be used.”
READ MORE: More organic food on Danish plates
Looking for land
The Danish agriculture and fisheries agency, NaturErhvervstyrelsen, will begin looking into providing organic bee keepers with more space to produce their goods.
According to EU legislation, honey can only be considered organic if it comes from hives that are in areas that are mostly organic within a 3 km circumference range.
NaturErhvervstyrelsen will look into how much space is actually farmed organically and whether those areas are farmed to full capacity.