Historical Underwear Show
March 8, 19:00; National Museum, Ny Vestergade 10, Cph K; 125kr incl wine; natmus.dk
It’s International Women’s Day, and what better way to celebrate than a historical underwear fashion show?
The role of torpedo bras, crinolines, corsets, chemises and racy lingerie are all explored as the changing fads of women’s underwear are linked to ideals, equality and women’s rights from 1880 to 1980.
Volunteers will squeeze into items such as the bone-crushing wasp’s waist corset as the show traces the history of underwear. And ethnologist Frederikke Heick will be at hand to provide a historial pespective.
(photo: foodswallpaper.com)
50 Top Wines
March 8, 14:00-17:00; Restaurationen; Møntergade 19, Cph K; 345kr
Wine aficionados get to sip 50 classic limited edition tipples. Experts will satisfy both your palate and your curiosity, topping up your wine glass while answering your questions.
(photo: Colourbox)
Body and Soul Fair 2015
March 7 & 8, 10:00-17:00; Pilegården Kulturhus, Brønshøjvej 17, Brønshøj; 100kr
Two days of alternative treatment and spirituality, including healing, shamanism, acupuncture, massage, kinesiology, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. Includes free treatments.
(photo: Per Lange / National Museet)
Miniature Wargaming
March 7 & 8 from 10:00; Tøjhusmuseet, Tøjhusgade 3, Cph K; 100kr; dffcon.dk
The Danish Miniature Wargaming Society is dropping by the Royal Armoury for historical war games using model tanks, planes, figures and tin soldiers. Take on seasoned war-gamers.