Dansk Supermarked customers in the company’s Føtex, Bilka, Salling and Netto shops can now use the Mobilepay app on their smartphone at the checkout.
“We think this will be the future mobile payment solution for large chain stores throughout Danish retail,” Kenneth Nielsen, the head of e-commerce at Dansk Supermarked said in a statement. “It is a very customer-friendly and intuitive solution where the amount appears directly on the customer’s mobile screen and they approve payment by simply swiping.”
Trial underway
The payment solution is currently being used on a trial basis at Føtex in Storcenter Nord in Aarhus and four other locations around the country.
READ MORE: MobilePay changing the way Danes shop
The plan is for all of Dansk Supermarkeds 566 stores to implement Mobilepay. Exepectations are that Mobilepay will account for five percent of Dansk Supermarked’s yearly turnover.