Danish doctors winning against cancer

Survival rates climbing

Danish doctors have in recent years have had more success combating cancer than in previous years. According to a new report from the Danske Multidisciplinære Cancer Grupper (DMCG), an association of some of the country's foremost cancer experts.

The national action plan billions of kroner poured into fighting cancer has worked. DMCG President Michael Borre, said that Denmark is no longer behind neighbouring countries like Norway, Sweden and Finland when it comes to fighting cancer.

Fatalities falling
“Our survival rates among patients at the same stage of disease can compare with theirs,” Borre told Berlingske. “When it comes to the treatment of breast cancer and colorectal cancer, it seems that we even have better results than the Swedes.”

READ MORE: Danish kidney cancer patients dying at an alarming rate

According to the report, the number of cancer deaths per 100,000 Danes have dropped by 15 percent over the past 20 years