Police investigating anti-Muslim hate speech on Facebook

Cops in Jutland looking into racist postings and threats

Police in east Jutland are investigating more than 40 Facebook postings that contained hate speech directed at Muslims.

Following a report of the ugly words that were filed in January, police are now attempting to identify and question whoever is behind the comments.

Threats and racism
Comments have included suggestions that mosques should be bombed. Police are attempting to find out if the statements are serious and constitute actual threats.

Police said that charges will definitely be filed – the only question is whether they will be against one or more people.

“The wording of some of the comments is actionable,” Torben Thygesen from East Jutland Police told Jyllands-Posten.

Investigation could spread
Thygesen said that the comments could both be construed as threats and violations of the racism clause in the Criminal Code, which prohibits public insults. 

READ MORE: Danes: We are too tolerant of Muslims

Other jurisdictions may be involved, depending on where those behind the comments live.