At this month’s BCCD Business Lunch event, Gregory Rockson, the CEO of mPharma, will talk digital transformation in Africa. A buffet lunch will be served (April 24, 11:45-14:00; Conference Suite, 1st floor, Hammerichsgade 1, Cph K; fee for non-members: 500kr;
The Professional Women’s Network invites you to an interactive lecture by Mercer chief executive Maria Hjorth about the pros and cons that women face in the Danish work system (April 23, 18:30; Teknikerbyen 1, 2, Virum; free adm for members, 150kr for non-members;
Give back to the Earth! The 22nd Earth Day is being celebrated all over the world and Forest Nation invites you to Pledge to Plant. Everyone can be part of it – all you have to do is bring your own seeds. Visit and join the discussion (April 22, 15:00; location TBA by Meetup group ’Meet the Danes!’)
Heard about the Fucking Flink Translathon? The organisation wants to translate its book from Danish into English and wants you to help out whilst networking with other expat translators (April 23; Cinemateket, Gothersgade 55, Cph K; free adm;
Free salsa is back! And this time they are coming with a new five-week LA-style course specially designed for beginners. So if you really like dancing, don’t be afraid, just join for some fun (April 23, 19:00-21:00; Københavns Kulturcenter, Drejervej 17, Cph N)