News in brief: Radio host kills baby rabbit on air

Animal welfare, Bronze-Age revelations and stopping copper thefts

Danish radio host Asger Juhl caused a stir on Monday by killing a nine-week-old rabbit live on air during a broadcast on the Radio24Syv station, TV2 News reports. The presenter claims the stunt was to draw attention to hypocrisy in Denmark on the subject of animal welfare, but listeners and guests on the show, including the celebrity animal rights activist Linzi Kessler, were outraged.


Minister unveils chicken-welfare initiatives
Dan Jørgensen, the food minister, unveiled 22 initiatives over the weekend to improve conditions for farmed poultry. Among the measures will be a ban on trimming their beaks, the requirement that young birds have more space, and support for farmers to make the transition from battery cage farming to alternative farming methods. “We have a moral and ethical responsibility,” Jørgensen said.


Bronze-Age Dane may not have been Danish
The so-called Egtvild girl, buried some 3,400 years ago and found in 1921, is one of Denmark’s best-preserved Bronze Age finds. But a new analysis published last week in the journal Scientific Reports suggests that she may have been German. A new method of analysis of the girl’s teeth, clothing, hair and nails using the trace element strontium suggests that the girl travelled over long distances during the last 23 months of her life.


Government toughens up over cable thefts
The government has announced a number of initiatives to tackle the problem of cable thefts, which have paralysed stretches of the rail network in recent months.

READ MORE: Cable thefts costing rail network up to eight million kroner a year

A taskforce was set up at the end of last year with the aim of reducing the number of incidents. Increased use of surveillance cameras, both as a deterrent and to aid the police in investigating incidents, and more co-operation between the authorities is envisaged.