Jysk is calling on any customers who have purchased Spider-man 2 bed linens to return them to the store for an immediate refund or exchange.
Environmental protection agency Miljøstyrelsen has found there are aromatic amines in the Spiderman sheets. Amines are derivatives of ammonia that can pose a health risk if inhaled.
“The product poses a health risk, so we are asking customers who purchased Spider-man 2 linens to return them to their nearest Jysk store where they will get a refund or exchange. Customers who bought the bedding online will be contacted directly,” Jysk wrote on its website.
Carcinogenic risk
Aromatic amines can be carcinogenic, and certain types have been associated with a number of other adverse health effects, including allergies, impaired fertility and others.
Only Spider-man 2 sheets with part number 1383400 and order number 4550155908 have been recalled. The numbers appear on the tag with laundering instructions.
Jysk has sold 1,078 sets of the sheets during the period from November 2014 to May 2015.