It’s arguably the greatest job in the Nordic banking world, and it’s up for grabs for the right candidate.
According to Berlingske Business, Scandinavia’s largest bank Nordea has hired international search firm Egon Zehnder to find a successor to take over the top job from 60-year-old Dane Christian Clausen.
The news comes in the wake of recent disagreements between current Clausen and the company’s chairman, Björn Walhroos.
According to Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri, Wahlroos called Clausen’s new financial objectives “bullshit” at the Nordea Capital Markets Day last Friday, raising questions over the management’s solidity.
Who will be the successor?
There have been many predictions concerning Clausen’s successor, however the obvious bids include current director of Nykredit Michael Rasmussen and Torbjörn Magnusson, the CEO of If Insurance.
Rasmussen has previously held the position of head of Nordea in Denmark, but switched to Nykredit in 2013.