Denmark hails Iranian nuclear agreement

Foreign minister Kristian Jensen called the deal “historic”

More than a decade of negotiations regarding Iran’s nuclear program culminated today in Vienna as an accord was finally reached between Iran and EU3+3 (Germany, France, the UK, the US, Russia and China), which negotiated on behalf of the rest of the world.

The foreign minister Kristian Jensen applauded the long-awaited agreement and announced that Denmark fully backed the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) work monitoring and verifying that Iran adheres to the agreement.

“It’s a historic agreement and a pleasing result which Denmark fully supports,” Jensen said. “The world has taken a huge step closer to being more secured thanks to the deal.”

”The sanctions [against Iran] can be intensified or suspended depending on Iran living up to the terms. Today’s deal opens new opportunities for Iran in terms of its relations with the rest of the world.”

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Observer access
The most important aspect of the agreement is to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program is purely utilised for civil purposes only.

According to the agreement, Iran must cease the high-enrichment of uranium and permit international observers to inspect facilities which are, or have been, part of its nuclear program.