About Town: Homeland’s head honcho, cuban cigars and the spaceman


American TV-producer and scriptwriter Howard Gordon (left), the co-developer of the mega successful Homeland, was in Copenhagen from August 12-16 attending the Copenhagen TV Festival at the Tivoli Hotel Copenhagen, where he was one of the keynote speakers. Others included Marc Smerling and Zac Stuart-Pontier, producers of The Jinx (centre left). The opening night of the festival included a special screening at Rydhave, the residence of the US ambassador Rufus Gifford (centre right). Among the guests were the actress Vivienne McKee and her husband Søren Hall (right).


Cuban ambassador Caridad Yamira Cueto Milian organised another fun edition of Cuban Days at the central Copenhagen food market of Torvehallerne over the weekend, which featured delicacies, cigars, music and other cultural offerings from the Caribbean island. Among the diplomats in attendance was Chilean ambassador Flavio Tarsetti Quezada (right).

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The countdown has started ahead of Andreas Mogensen becoming the first Dane in space on Wednesday September 2. He will launch off from the spaceport of Baikonur in Kazakhstan in a Soyuz rocket.



Brazilian triathlete Guilherme Valenza Manocchio got the better of last year’s winner, Denmark’s Henrik Hyldelund, to take the men’s KMD Copenhagen Ironman title on Sunday.



Ukraine’s charge d’affaires Andriy Biriuchenko (right) joined (left-right) musicians Olga Chornokondratenko, Elisabeth Nielsen, and Jakob Vad following their Carl Nielsen celebration performance at The Lapdarium of Kings on August 16.
