Danish energy minister signing a deal in Berlin

Lars Christian Lilleholt was looking to further increase energy exports to Germany

The energy minister, Lars Christian Lilleholt, visited Berlin yesterday to discuss the energy union with Germany and future energy technology trading.

Denmark’s southern neighbour is the country’s largest market for energy exports and is considered crucial for the development of the common European energy union.

“I am very pleased that my first trip as minister is one to Germany. Denmark’s energy exports to Germany have practically exploded in recent years, while the Nordic and German energy markets have begun a historic integration, providing great opportunities as well as challenges,” Lilleholt stated.

Cross-border energy trade
In connection with the trip, the minister met with a number of Denmark’s largest companies, such as DONG, Vestas and Danfoss, to discuss how the country can further boost energy exports to Germany.

In Berlin, Lilleholt also signed a document setting out principles for increased regional co-operation among 12 European countries regarding cross-border electricity supplies and trade.