PM: EU refugee meetings “an important step”

Negotiations constructive despite apprehension in the east

According to the Danish prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, the EU negotiations regarding the dispersal of around 120,000 refugees in Europe took an important step last night.

Rasmussen revealed that negotiations are proceeding peacefully and constructively despite the opposition of four eastern European countries to the refugee plan on Tuesday.

“A few days ago the debate was extremely polarised in the media,” Rasmussen said according to TV2 News. “Some sent the signal that Europe would just open its doors, while others would close them using instruments considered inhumane in Denmark.”

“But at the meeting today there was a broad consensus that while there is much to be done, there is a will to do it. I’m not convinced that we’ll gained control of the borders tomorrow, but we’ve taken the first realistic step in doing something about the problem.”

READ MORE: Denmark agrees to take in more refugees

Eastern consternation
The Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia all voted against the EU refugee plan on Tuesday, while Finland abstained.

Due to the opt-out Denmark has in place regarding EU’s immigration policy, the Danes are not forced to take part in the refugee dispersal plan, although it has announced it will take in 1,000 additional refugees.