Hubertus Hunt
Nov 1, 10:00; Dyrehaven 8, Klampenborg; free adm; hubertusjagt.dk
THE Hubertus Hunt, the highlight of the hunting season, attracts 40,000 spectators and 160 riders.
Held in the Deer Park at Klampenborg, it has become a tradition for familes to enjoy picnics in the beautiful forest while enjoying the skilled horsemanship on display.
Experience the excitement in the air as the riders come flying over hedges, coping with a total of 35 obstacles deep landings.
The winner of this year’s hunt will be given the Hubertus chain, which is traditionally rewarded by Prince Henrik himself at the Hermitage Hunting Lodge.
Film Festival
Nov 5-15; various locations; cphdox.dk/en

CPH:DOX is the largest documentary film festival in Northern Europe. It fills Copenhagen cinemas every year with a selection of more than 200 films from across the globe.
Films compete in six main categories: DOX:AWARD, NEW VISION, F:ACT AWARD, NORDIC:DOX, the Doc Alliance Award and the Politiken’s Audience Award.
While documentaries are the festival’s main forte, it also organises concerts, art exhibitions, screening market, professional seminars, and the international financial and co-production event CPH:FORUM, which includes the film production program CPH:LAB.
Copenhagen Coin Fair
Nov 1, 10:00-16:00; Radisson Blu Falconer Hotel, Falconer Allé 9, Frederiksberg; cphcoinfair.dk

Following on from six successful coin exchanges staged between 2009 and 2014, the Copenhagen Coin Fair is returning with more coin dealers as participants arrive from all over the world!

Copenhagen Book Forum
Nov 6-8, Fri 10:00-19:00, Sat 10:00-18:00, Sun 10:00-17:00; Bella Center, Center Boulevard 5, Cph S; 140kr, under-12s: 55kr (free on Friday), bellacentercopenhagen.dk
Meet local and international authors and publishers and enjoy an exciting programme of interviews, lectures, book signings, and new book releases.
Stand Up:
Daniel Sloss
Nov 5, 21:00; Huset KBH, Cph K; 235kr; billetlugen.dk

Daniel Sloss is a 24-year-old award-winning Scottish comedian who has previously sold out shows at the Edinburgh Festival. Sloss, who has written material for Frankie Boyle, is returning to Copenhagen with his new show, REALLY..?!