Out and about: All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey … Copenhagen dreaming


Rundetårn hosted Copenhagen Dreaming last Saturday, where many gathered to celebrate the power of imagination.

The event was organised by British translator Billy O’Shea, and it attracted writers and artists from the fantasy, science fiction and steampunk genres.

Attendees could experience readings of short sci-fi stories, buy books from genres like steam-punk, dystopia and space opera among others, and enjoy a virtual ride with the Oculus Rift (above: second left).

There was a chance also to check out the exhibition ‘City of Jewellery’ about the history and traditions of Kjøbenhavns Guldsmedelaug, which will run until November 8.

And while we were at the tower, it would have been rude not to take a look at the majestic view of the city (right).


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