About Town: Farewell Restaurant Herzegovina!

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The Swedish Embassy hosted a reception on December 14 to mark St Lucia Day where those gathered were treated to recitals by the Malmö Akademiske Kor (left). Among those present were (centre: left-right) Greek ambassador Eleni Sourani and Macedonian ambassador Naim Memeti; and (right: left-right) Pia Allerslev, the deputy mayor for children and youth matters, Swedish ambassador Frederik Jørgensen, and Bertel Haarder, the minister for culture

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Niger celebrated its national day on December 12 with a reception at the Skovshoved Hotel in Copenhagen where its ambassador, Amadou Tcheko, addressed those present with a speech (left). Among those present were (centre: left-right) Thai ambassador Vimon Kidchob, Libyan ambassador Mohamed Selim, Moroccan ambassador Raja Ghannam, Ivory Coast’s ambassador Mina Balde Laurent, Egyptian ambassador Salwa Moufid, Tcheko, Nepalese ambassador Mukti Nath Bhatta (and his wife), South Africa’s deputy Machiel Van Niekerk, Macedonian ambassador Naim Memeti and South Korean ambassador Young-sam Ma; and (right: left to right) Selim, Tcheko and Benin’s ambassador Eusebe Agbangha

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Italian ambassador Stefano Queirolo Palmas (all three photos), in co-operation with the Italian Institute of Culture, hosted a Christmas concert at his residence on December 17. Among those present were (centre) Austrian ambassador Ernst-Peter Brezovsky (left) and musician Mauro Patricelli (centre right), and (right) Metro Service managing editor Claudio Cassarino


Restaurant Herzegovina has roast-spitted its last leg of lamb and serenaded its last guest. A resident at Tivoli since 1986, it marked its final day on Monday with a celebration for staff and friends


US ambassador Rufus Gifford and his husband Stephen DeVincent were among the guests at the premiere of ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ at Cinemax on December 15


Former Bond villain Ulrich Thomsen was the recipient of the 2015 Ove Sprogøe Prisen, which he was presented by the culture minister, Bertel Haarder, for his performance as Richard Møller Nielsen in ‘Sommeren ’92’

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