Divorced parents need help

Børns Vilkår, an association for children’s rights, suggests divorcing couples should receive guidance on conflict resolution and children’s needs, reports Kristeligt Dagblad.

Every seventh divorce in Denmark ends in an ‘ugly’ fashion, the newspaper claims, citing figures from the Danish Court Administration that show custody conflicts have increased by 53 percent since 2007.

Some 52 percent of Danes agree the state should do more to assist divorced parents who are often unable to participate together in important family events and argue about custody arrangements and other matters.

Challenging conditions
Children from broken homes are likely to face more challenges in adolescence and later in life compared to children who grow up with both parents, says Børns Vilkår.

“We cannot watch how the increasing number of divorce conflicts break children down emotionally and how they destroy the lives of both the children and adults,” Rasmus Kjeldahl, the head of Børns Vilkår, told Kristeligt Dagblad.

“There is a need for political action.”