End of the day for DøgnNetto

Danish supermarket chain closing

Supermarket owner Dansk Supermarked is discontinuing the DøgnNetto brand. Some 39 of the outlets will be converted into regular Netto stores.

“The demand for the yellow Netto discount concept is so great that we are reinforcing its presence in the capital,” the company explained.

“By the end of the year, DøgnNettos will become traditional Nettos, resulting in a modernisation of the locations and massive investments in things like fresh produce.”

The 08:00-00:00 DøgnNetto opening hours will remain in place at the converted stores.

Specialty shops
Dansk Supermarket press chief Mads Grand also revealed that the remaining DøgnNettos will be converted into Føtex Food stores.

“Føtex Food is a scaled-down version of a traditional Føtex store with a focus on food and salads-to-go,” Grand told Ekstra Bladet. “They will feature luxury foods and convenience items.”

Still growing
Grand said that Netto will continue with its plan to open even more stores across the country.

“Our expansion plans are unaffected by this move,” he said. “We have announced openings or extensions of 50 Netto stores across the country in 2016. This means either new Netto stores or stores that will be renovated, larger and more modern.”

READ MORE: Netto is scaling up its operations

The transformation of the DøgnNetto locations is scheduled to start right away.

“Some of them may be forced to close temporarily,” said Grand. “It is a huge rebuild.”

Grand said that DøgnNetto employees will be offered jobs at the new locations.

Sunday opening was key
The first DøgnNetto opened in 1996 following the liberalisation of the Sunday opening hours that permitted supermarkets of a certain size to open for part of the day.

But following another liberalisation in 2012 that permitted all supermarkets to open, it lost its advantage.