Green Card law amended following demonstration

Hundreds turn up to protest ‘unjust’ law proposal

Some 700 protesters turned up at City Hall Square yesterday to demonstrate against Parliament’s recent law proposal to abolish the Green Card Scheme.

And it would appear their tireless efforts have been a stunning success. In the wake of the protests, the politicians have changed the law in order to allow current green card holders to apply for an extension until 10 June 2018.

The law has also been changed to not be retroactive, but to instead come into effect on 10 June 2016.

“The various green card and cultural organisations have shown a new ability to work together and organise activities across professional, cultural and religious borders,” said Aage Kramp, the head of ImLaw, the law firm representing the green card group.

“The demonstration became a victory celebration as the work of the organisations producing the information letter in response to the proposed law change, so that existing green card holders will have the option to apply and get an extension until 10 June 2018.”

READ MORE: Majority want Green Card Scheme scrapped

Humans rights support
‘Keep your promise Denmark’ was organised by the Danish Green Card Association (DGCA) in co-operation with ImLaw.

The organisations’ efforts also attracted the support of the Danish Institution for Human Rights.

The politicians want to axe the scheme, which aims to attract highly-skilled and specialised foreign workers to Denmark, because many often end up in working unskilled jobs outside their professions.

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(All photos: Voice For Justice Greencard Denmark)