Since 2015, Danes no longer need to travel all the way to Australia and climb the popular Sydney Harbour Bridge in order to enjoy the exhilarating experience of bridge-walking across the sea with spectacular views.
Last year, Middelfart and Fredericia Municipality opened a new, unique attraction in Europe: Bridgewalking Lillebælt, which gives visitors the opportunity to walk across the strait between the island of Funen and the Jutland peninsula.
“When we opened we expected to have about 22,000 guests in 2015, but during the seven months we were open last year we ended up having 32,000 guests,” Knud Jeppesen, the manager of Bridgewalking Lillebælt, told Jyllands-Posten.
The idea to launch Bridgewalking Lillebælt came from a local citizen, who had visited Sydney Harbour Bridge and thought Middelfart could offer a similar experience to tourists in Denmark.
“In the beginning we thought this would be a one-time experience for most people, but we have noticed that many have returned with their families and friends,” Jeppesen noted.
Guided walks for a maximum of 20 people take about two hours, including security instructions.
Visitors have to climb up to a height of 60 metres over the water, so this experience is not for the light-headed.
Tickets purchased online cost 269 kroner for adults and 199 for kids under 16.