Sports Calendar: Colour your Sunday jog

In case you were planning to immerse yourself in multicolour powder thrown in the air, the 5km Colour Run next Sunday might be your perfect option.

And it’s not too late to combine your regular weekend jog with music and fun as tickets are still available on the event’s website (

Participants will run around a pre-set trail in Valbyparken on Sunday June 12. The event starts at 11 in the morning, with warm-up exercises, music and a little power-snack. The run officially starts at 1 pm.

Join the fun
The event however is more than just a simple run through a park. The Color Run invites DJs to perform, as well as food stands from Kødbyen’s popular Tommi’s Burger Joint and Lipton Ice Tea, which will be serving free drinks.

Tickets are still available for 315kr (205kr for 9 to 13-year-olds). Weather forecasts show the sun will shine and temperatures are set to reach the high teens.

Even if running a short marathon on a Sunday morning is not exactly your cup of tea, the Colour Run is definitely worth a shot!


Athletics: DK meeting (m/w)
Sat June 11, 11:00
Copenhagen Open
Hvidovre Stadion, Hvidovre

Cricket: Division 1 (m)
Sun June 12, 10:00
Ishøj vs Svanholm
Ishøj Idrætsanlæg, Ishøj

Run and Fun (m/w)
Sun June 12, 12:00-15:00
The Color Run
Valbyparken, Valby

Bike and Run (m/w)
Mon June 13, 18:00-21:00
Bike and run event
Rødovre Oarkvej 501, Rødovre

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