70-year-old Danish woman finds male Goldilocks tucked up in her bed

OAP discovers the ultimate three bugbears all rolled into one: a snoring, squiffy, strange man

A 70-year-old Silkeborg woman got a bit of a shock on Sunday evening, reports Silkeborg Nyt.

After watching a few hours of telly, she headed for bed at about midnight where she found more than a pillow under her bedset.

A strange man was tucked in and sound asleep under her comforter.

Oops, wrong house
The elderly woman called her son who lives nearby, and they called the police, who were onhand when the sleeping stranger was awakened.

The 38-year-old man explained he had made a deal with a friend to spend the night with him. The man’s pal lived a few hundred metres from the bed he wound up falling into.

No-one was sure exactly how the man wound up in the old woman’s bed, but police suspect his high blood alcohol level may have been a contributing factor.