Danish teen enjoying success on Facebook with food waste concept

Starting out in little Korsør, it has now spread to 40 towns in Denmark

A 17-year-old Dane from Korsør in west Zealand has taken Facebook by storm with a new food waste concept that has now spread to 40 towns in Denmark.

Rasmus Erichsen started his ‘Stop spild af mad i Korsør’ (‘Stop food waste in Korsør’) Facebook group to appeal to people with surplus food to give it to others in need in his home town.

“I think it’s incredibly cool that I managed to take the initiative to do this,” Erichsen told TV2 News.

“We are nationwide, but local in every town. I think that’s what makes it interesting to others. I’ve seen people with tears in their eyes who have asked for a hug. You feel great after helping others.”

READ MORE: The app-titude to fight food waste in Denmark is strong

Spreading like wildfire
Erichsen hopes that in the future there will be groups in every town across the country.

The Korsør group currently has over 1,300 people signed up – not bad for a town with a population of just over 14,000.

The concept works by asking people with surplus food to take a photo of the goods and post it on the Facebook group along with details about when the food is likely to expire and where it can be picked up.

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