Insekt KBH is one of the new startups in Copenhagen producing juices from insects. The group serves insects to the mainstream, integrating edible insects into familiar and well-liked food commodities. So far, the audiences’ response to their apple ginger-shot have been overwhelming.

In follow up to testing the scale of distributing the product, Insekt KBH are planning to introduce their latest initiative of launching a food-tour exploration of their local base in Nordvest, That will allow other green collaborators in the area to share each other’s experiences. The tours are scheduled to be ready in December or January.
With these food-tours, Insekt KBH aims to take people journey’s through an alternate future of urban sustainable solutions.
One of the main contributors on the tour is BuggingDenmark, a local cricket farm, with which the company carries close ties. The two companies have joined forces to popularize and promote knowledge of edible insects as a viable alternative to the extensive meat production. Furthermore, organic apple waste from Insekt KBH’s production is used as flavor-full feed at the urban cricket farm, with the stated intention of maximizing circular dynamics throughout their value chains.
Copenhagen has been investing for quite some time on innovation sector in all fields of science and arts. The grassroots community or groups that are not so much main stream around Denmark are brimming with new green ventures. Particularly, in food and agriculture sector as the gastronomical scene is set for the driver’s seat by introducing its wide array of sustainable novel food initiatives to the market where the buyers are happy to try out early adoptions of new and different products.