CPH STAGE: ‘Dschingis Khan’ plays on our predjudices

June 1, 18:00, June 2, 14:00, Sort/Hvid, Cph V; 125kr. German with English subtitles

Three performers with Downs syndrome take to the stage as traditional inhabitants of Mongolia. Dressed in thick fur coats, they treat the public to ‘authentic Mongolian’ behaviour.

Colonialism and racism as handicaps
This is a setting reminiscent of the ‘human zoos’ popular in Europe at this time that Dr Langdon-Down was making his discoveries. Here is truly a performance that plays on our prejudices.

The set-up is as effective as it is simple, stirring up a discussion on both colonialism and racism as handicaps. It creates space for shock and empathy, fear and fascination, projection and reflection.

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