Out & About: So, how well do you know Copenhagen?

Given that the summer holiday’s here, we thought we’d play a game – the kind a hungover teacher improvises because he couldn’t be bothered to do a lesson plan down the pub.

How well do you know Copenhagen? Pretty well, right? But how observant are you of its urban landscape?

There aren’t any professions more observant than photographers – well, maybe a fiction novelist, or a municipal buildings inspector … and yes, definitely a spy – so who better to turn to for a compilation of some of Copenhagen’s lesser known landmarks?

Rita Maria (ritagraphy.com) is a resident of both Copenhagen and San Diego who works in experimental documentary photography and is particularly inspired by the psychedelia of the late 1960s.

So take a look and try to identify these city landmarks when this post goes on Facebook. Who knows? Maybe they’ll be a prize!

1/ Not quite the Star of David

2/ Some sort of detergent, surely?

3/ Jefferson Airplane’s lunch?

4 / Pegasus has arrived on Saturn. Who ate Jefferson Airplane’s lunch?

5/ Spiralling tower that the girls in the main photo can see

It’s a tooth suspended in a hollowed-out apple

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