Out & About: Clinking glasses, linking up with old friends, drinking merrily

On the first weekend of advent, under the light of a frosty moon, the exquisitely gowned ladies of LINK (Ladies’ International Network København) descended upon the fairy-tale setting of the Odd Fellows Palace in the heart of olde Copenhagen for their annual ‘Snow Ball’.

Escorted by their immaculate partners, they were greeted by the elegant LINK events team headed by Sue Allingham, Jane Upward, Sarah-Jane Elsey, Ann-Marie Armstrong, Christy Bartels Eid and Liina Meiner.

The glittering black and white themed evening unfolded under crystal chandeliers with a classic charm captured through the lens of Heather Gartside.

And as the champagne flowed, laughter filled the Rococco palace while delicious food effortlessly arrived and gifts thrilled the guests courtesy of generous donations to the LINK raffle.

All too soon, at the stroke of 2 am the music slowed to smooches and carriages loomed through the night, all with a glowing supermoon to guide the way for the weary LINK ladies and their companions.

Exhausted but elated, they gracefully slid into their seats to be whisked home and onwards to the festive season all over the world.