Lack of rain cancels out Skt Hans Aften bonfires

The weather remains too dry for the bonfires to go on

Although many have been relishing the unseasonably warm weather this summer, we might finally be seeing a downside. With Skt Hans Aften approaching tomorrow night, it now seems that the traditional bonfires will not be allowed to go ahead at most place around the country.

Despite there being rain in many places across the country this morning, the ground remains too dry, DR reports.

“Until now unfortunately it doesn’t mean anything in relation to the open fire ban. This is because there is a large backlog in relation to the warm and dry period we have had,” says Bjarne Nigaard, the head of administration at the Danish emergency services organisation Danske Beredskaber.

Lack of rain
Usually in Denmark it is the rain that prevents Skt Hans Aften bonfires from happening, but this year it has come down to a lack of it.

As of right now, 52 out of the 98 municipalities in Denmark have an open fire ban, and judging by the weather forecasts it does not seem likely that any will get lifted. If they are to be lifted, the ground needs to get thoroughly soaked, so that the soil and vegetation can soak up the liquid.

More sun to come
Currently, the weather forecast does not look promising in that regard. According to meteorologists, the weather is set to continue to be warm and sunny.

“It’s usually a meteorologist who cancels the bonfires because there’s rain coming. But this year it’s a fireman because there isn’t any rain,” Nigaard added.



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